Brian Hatano
Ongoing Projects
Indie Startup Society, 8 Free Cities
The Indie Way Book Series
The American Gazette
[BTC Prop TBD]
Cocktail Questions
What do you do?
Different things every day. Right now, I am spending most of my time writing and recruiting like-minded people for my projects.
I have 2 previous careers: tech recruiting and teaching before that.
What's something about you that starts with the same letter as your name?
2 decades ago, I drove Bus for Seattle.
Where are you from?
America. I grew up on the East Coast, then West Coast. I went to college in Seattle, traveled around, then ended up in Japan. Lived in SF Bay for 5 years, then back to Japan again.
What school did you go to?
GFY if you're asking about pedigree.
Otherwise, I graduated from the School of Theology at Seattle Pacific University.
I still appreciate Christianity and what I learned from my degree studies, but I am religiously a "non".
Most of my learning, including about 95% of the books I've read, happened after school. I've read most Austrians, most of the Deutschian intellectual tree, biographies and histories, and a good percentage of pop books related to venture, human performance, and the development of teams.
What interesting talents do you have?
No. You have interesting talents, not me, and I am grateful you do, because otherwise life would be incredibly boring. I'm boring without you.
What do you think about [political issue of the day]?
I think it takes too much of my headspace already, but I'm excited by any progress of liberty, even if it comes from politics.
Have you seen [latest movie or Netflix special]?
I consume streaming series like an obese person consumes gallons of ice cream. Some are shit, some are amazing. I get to live and learn from a thousand simulated lifetimes. I'm grateful to all the artists and producers for at least trying, and sometimes creating amazing experiences for us without such talents.
Why do you do what you do?
From childhood, I have believed 3 things: Conscience is sacred in all people, jobs and corps are missing out on the enormity of human creativity because of shoddy thinking, and I can do anything I want, often better than others.